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Monday, December 10, 2007

An optimist view on MATRIX

Since you are viewing this blog, I presume that you have seen MATRIX and it has created some influence on you. So is with me. I always had interest in Virtual reality but the way MATRIX has shown it ( the ultimate of VR), it has made a huge impact on my mind and I was deeply lost in the thoughts of MATRIX for about a month after seeing it.

Many people have seen MATRIX and analysed in many ways but I could not find much interest in the story plot of the movie but the concept of ultimate VR and it's possible use for mankind have interested me most.

In the movie, MATRIX is created by the the machine with the objective of continuance of machines and they use human body for energy requirement. The illusionary MATRIX world is created by machine to let human feel as if they are living in real world.

To my mind, such a future is totally impossible as machines can never have motivation to live for ever and a software cannot protect itself from the human desire to get out of the software. Anyway for movie such a dramatic story was needed!

Let us talk of realty now. Will human being create MATRIX ( instead of machines creating it) where human can enter or exit it by choice? What purpose it will serve? To my thinking, there is a strong case for it and very soon many persons will be living in such worlds for many hours in a day. Of course in real MATRIX, a rod inserted in head may not be necessary to connect our mind to computer but our interface with computer will be much more sophisticated then simple mouse ( as provided in

My vision of real MATRIX is where a person enters a room in his house, wears VR headset and enters in MATRIX. He moves his legs and hands as if in real but has extra buttons to do things, which are not possible in real life, like fly.

Initially such site shall be of immense use to old, handicapped or remotely posted people to interact with other humans and thus live active social life. Later-on, a resident of MATRIX
can do almost all activities which they can do in real world, like working, selling, playing, entertaining, earning etc.

Advantages of such a MATRIX? Reduction of travel and thus reduction of energy needs, reduction of pollution and the accidents are direct benefits. People can start a fresh life in MATRIX. And the best part, people will realise that they are not this body! They are the mind or the soul!

Your views are welcome.


Anonymous said...

Great thought. Would rather say a great move. You can download a demo of the game "spore" and view it. You will love it. Its about creating your world, and the people and animals in it. Creating civilizations, planets and everything.

Well, as far as your thought is concerned, I would surely like to understand first whether we are in a matrix or not. If we are in the matrix, we cannot be the creators of the matrix we create in the matrix. But afterall this is what it is I guess. And I have somehow have enough apetitie to create or rather rather support in the creation of a matrix in the matrix, let that be for good or bad.

Amod said...

As per Einstien Theory Of Relativity, Mass, Space, deistance are dependent on viewer. So whatever we see is due to our mind only. May be that what we see is not there in reality and this world is illusiory( Like Matrix). However, inspite of that we can create our own Virtual world within the world as we know.
I differ with that we must create this world wheather it is for good or bad. I think we should create for solving many problems of this physical world.

۞Ghanesh said...

No choice left For us, Matrix will be created eventually by machines.
The movie's first part reveals this snippet as a conversation between Morphus and Neo that "At Some Point of Early 21st Century ManKind was united in Singularity."
This is happening and by 21 Dec 2012 many scientist claim this Singularity would reach the summit. Many call this as Golden age(but one sub cycle within Kaliyuga), Evetually This Golden period would lead to machines taking over humans.

This state of machine world has been narrated to greater extent by Sri Veda Vyasa's Sri Bramaandha Puranaa. Movie Matrix is the exact parallel to the statements in puranaa which is 5100 years old.

COnnection to the source lead to perfectness and grand opening of all knowledge. However usage of that pure source energy would lead to entropy, resulting in continuation of duality.

Thus the ancient scientist apart from finding these principles, also have observed and revealed that Source Energy should not be transformed to any form and let allowed to flow as it is. Any transformation would lead to Birth of life.

So its your choice what to stay in matrix through the Yoni's of variou species or once for all get out on energy-matter matrix.

Amod said...

Shri Jayramkrishan ji,
Thanks for enlightening comments. You have said 2 things. 1- MATRIX will be eventialy built by machines after all humans unite. 2- We are already living in MATRIX created by GOD( or EVIL). You also said that by connecting to the source (GOD), we can be out of this MATRIX.
Sir, I still have serious doubt if machine will ever built MATRIX on thier own. If they are supposed to have ambition to make human being slave, it has to be programmed by humans only. So much progress in AI has not resulted in any un-programmed initiative by machines.
Pl. comment if MATRIX should be created by humans for a better world?

۞Ghanesh said...

Continuation to your point 1. Machines are evolving with the help of humans. To Machines Humans are Gods. As we create them. But at some point of early 21st century when in singularty or union with god, machines unite with humans(their god) same as Humans unite with its creater. However this union does not last for ever. The golden moment of being united once again gets disturbed and leading to rapid evolution of machines.

As Human chase its creator machines chace their creator.
This is explained in the movies third part. The last fight of union between Smith and Neo. Machines once agian unifies with Humans and Humans with its source.

To answer ur question, machines are already evolved to a point in western world that they control humans in a massive way. the understanding of the above is so subtle. Currently humans take decisions and operate machines. But as i said above machines are evolving with human creation. We are the Brahma to those machine.

Humans have been gifted with Iccha, Kriya and Gnana Sakthi by its creator. They are using it to create machines/systems which will give them happiness and do all their work. As Humans collectively use that prime energy of creation towards creating machines, it gets builded up and at a point it starts to take over by itself.

We got to wait for the singularity point of early 21st century(it could be 23 dec 2007 or 21 dec 2012 or some other unspeculated time :)

One another thing to be noted here is, Morphus tells in the part one movie beginning that "We dont know who struck it first" referring if Humans gave power of AI to Machines or Machines took it themselves. this reminds me of Egg and Hen theory. WHICH CAME FIRST?
Machines got evolved AI from humans or humans evolved AI machines, our grand grand childrens will study this topic in their history textbooks :) hahahahaa

yes, connection with source is the only solution to come out off matrix. Its also called Libration, Mukti, Nirvana, Mooksha, Parama Padam, Vaikuntam, Kailasham, Yogam. So many names yet one state.